Akerfelds Puzzle

All surnames are Akerfelds unless otherwise noted

All surnames are Akerfelds unless otherwise noted

13 thoughts on “Akerfelds Puzzle

  1. Pingback: A New Akerfelds Hint… | A Latvian Canadian Story

  2. Hello, I found your blog while searching google for Skaidrite Akerfelds who is my grandmother. Was trying to find out more about her family and am very happy I found this. I can’t seem to find anywhere – who are you and how are you related to the Akerfelds if you don’t mind me asking?


  3. Pingback: DNA Verifies my Akerfelds Puzzle Theory! | A Latvian Canadian Story

  4. Pingback: Comparing Cousins | A Latvian Canadian Story

  5. Hello. My name is Andrew. And, I don’t know who my great great grandfather was. But, my great grandfather was born in Embute to Anna Brikmanis in 1879, father unknown. And my DNA test has me related to some folks named Grinbergs and someone named Akerfelds. My great great grandfather is not named on the birth record of my great grandfather Vilis Brikmanis. I’m beginning to wonder if my ancestor is a Grinbergs. Thanks for all you hard work.

  6. Hi, my grandparents were both from Latvia and immigrated 1903 and 1906. My grandmother’s maiden name was Grinbergs and was from Auce born 1886. Her father was Karlis (Kriss, Christian) Grinbergs. Her mother was Matilde Meyer ( not sure of Latvian spelling). I think she had 2 sisters but cannot find anything more about her. Andrew and I are DNA matches and think that somehow we are related through the Grinbergs line in/near Auce. I see you were going to respond to him “at length” via personal email and I would love to know if you have any further information that might help me. I have a family tree on Geni, Ancestry and FamilyTree and have done only autosomal DNA on Ancestry, uploaded to FTDNA and Geni. Thanks in advance. Vicki
    my direct email is vickichase49@gmail.com.

    • Hi Aaron! It was Grinbergs alias Akerfelds and I’m quite confident that all Latvian Akerfeldses are related! What is your mother’s name and where in the world are you?

      • HI Aaron, where in Latvia is your family from? I have Grinbergs, my grandmother etc. and am working with someone who also has Grinbergs in their tree. We are DNA matches so we are searching like crazy and any information is helpful. I have relatives with that surname from Auce and my friend has them from Auce and Embute. These villages are all relatively close. Hope to hear from you. my email is vickichase49@gmail.com

  7. Good morning,
    While researching my Latvian grandfather, I came across your blog.
    Before arriving in Belgium, he “worked” at Labor Service Co 8252 in Bad Nauheim like one of your ancestors.
    I am looking for information on this period as well as information during the war.
    Do you have any leads and information that could help me in my research?
    Here is my email: meuldaniel@gmail.com.
    Thanks in advance,


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